- ARK: The Animated Series released with Free In-Game Cosmetics March 24, 2024ARK: The Animated Series has arrived on Paramount+! When 21st century paleontologist Helena Walker (Madeleine Madden) finds herself resurrected on a mysterious primeval island populated by prehistoric beasts, she must learn to survive with new allies from throughout time, while trying to uncover the true nature of their strange new world.Featuring a star-studded cast including […]
- ARK: Survival Ascended is on Sale! December 14, 2023Don't miss your chance to experience the ultimate dino adventure! Click the link below and start your ARK: Survival Ascended journey today! But hurry, this dino-mite deal goes extinct soon! ⏳
- ARK: Survival Ascended is available now! October 26, 2023Respawn into a new dinosaur survival experience beyond your wildest dreams… as ARK is reimagined from the ground-up into the next-generation of videogame technology with Unreal Engine 5! You awake on a mysterious island, your senses overwhelmed by the blinding sunlight and brilliant colors bouncing off every surface around you, the azure waters of a […]
- Community Crunch 384: Dreadnoughtus Concept Art! October 21, 2023You will feel the earth quake as titanic Dreadnoughtus makes its way to Extinction. This behemoth is sure to shake up some strategies and make your enemies tremble in fear. As we gear up for the release of ARK: Survival Ascended, our friends at the Official ARK Wiki are also working on some exciting updates […]