Since first release of ARK we have constantly received a load of patches, adjust or adding something new, something cool, maybe a new dino, maybe stone tier.
Every now and then the devs also have increased the difficulty setting, first to 200%; then to 300% and now with patch 190 they increased it to 400%.
Initially when I started playing a dino of level 30 where considered very high level and hard to tame.
When they increased difficulty setting to 300% we found wild dinos at level 84-90 which we could tame to 120-130ish if we where successful with the taming.
Now with patch 190 difficulty setting is adjusted to 400% I decided to go for another hunt, see what would be highest level dino.
Up in the north-west mountain side I found sabertooths level 103, 112.
Trying to tame the level 112 ended badly, too many shots killed it.
So I kept searching and hour or so later I found another one, this was 116.
Lesson from last attempt, shoot slower, count the arrows, be careful when passing 15 arrows to head.
Bit later, and one pissed off kitty … the level 116 dropped unconscious.
Successful tame later, a level 173 (!!) sabertooth is added to collection of what I earlier figured where “high level = 100 – 140ish”.
Roaming around, killing anything and everything its now passed level 208 and still going strong.
Personally I find it totally crazy with so high level dinos in this game, but their there and we have to accept the devs decisions.
A word of advice, be careful when taming these higher level dinos and be prepared. Have enough narcotics, tranq arrow and above all, do not get hit. They hit like a truck. Use elevation to shoot down on them, dont let them get close. Same thing for any of the carnivores really.
Good luck hunting, and taming …
// Xena