Applied “official primitive patch” to server today
For a period this will be running and we will see about any effects it has on gameplay, the idea is to bring ARK more to the “realistic” feel than a hightech version allows.
If its bugged or unbalances gameplay too much we can remove this patch again, its just a textfile in a folder.
This “patch” effectively retroactively remove blueprints etc for any hightech weapons like Rifles, Assault rifles, C4, Rockets, Rocket launcher, Grenades, Scopes, Silencers, Ammo and so on. It also removes some of the metal structures like metal foundations etc.
Admin will be using dev-tools to clean out any remaining electric & metal construction on the map, so primitive means from now on thatch -> wood -> stone structures.
Meaning we have slingshots, bows, arrows, axes, pikes etc to defend ourselves with, no fancy modern assault rifle or rocketlauncher any longer 🙂
Time to get that wood fortress or stone castle up and running, being prepared for the future dinos being added shortly.
Besides new dinos we also get crossbows this week 😉