Bit more server tuning today, the changes :
DayCycle ( a complete day ) should now be 2x as long as before, this influences both daytime being 2x longer and nighttime being 2x longer.
Nighttime is then reduced by 25% as a first test to see if that is too long or long enough or whatever.
Number of total dinos on island is increased by 50% but still limited by a cap per dino type.
Tons of fine tuning for spawning dino types. Trying to match a realistic setting of number of carnivores vs herbivoes. Increased spawn chance of misc dinos by 2x, as some species where too rare.
Increased number of Coelacanth (Fish) to about 2x as many as before, as to provide an easy access to meat for low level players. Beware of piranah !!
Result so far, more dinos around the isle, and still its natural numbers mix of carnivores vs herbivores.